Helping Hands for Freedom is a 501c3 26-3084550 dedicated to supporting the families of the fallen, wounded and deployed.

Shelbyville Walk

Sunday, October 18, 2015 - 2:00pm to Monday, October 19, 2015 - 3:45pm
Route for the Brave logo

Join us for a 5 mile walk around Shelbyville, on Oct. 18.  The festivities will start and end at the circle downtown and we will walk along State Road 44.  The walk starts at 2:30 p.m. and will last until 4 p.m., but we will have plenty of events after. The registration fee is $25 for adults (13 and over) and free for children under 12.  To register, please visit  We will award prizes to the top male, female, and child fundraisers.  All proceeds go towards Route for the Brave.  For more information, please call Paul Gable at 317-398-1277.