Helping Hands for Freedom is a 501c3 dedicated to supporting the families of the fallen, wounded and deployed.

Help Build a House of Healing

Posted July 6, 2016 by Jaclyn Clark
  • Help Build a House of Healing
  • Help Build a House of Healing
  • Help Build a House of Healing
  • Help Build a House of Healing
  • Help Build a House of Healing
  • Help Build a House of Healing

Many of us know our veterans sacrifice a great deal to serve our country and often sacrifice their lives in the process.

While we can empathize with that loss and know this must take a huge toll on their families, many of us likely don’t realize exactly how significantly and how swiftly the family is affected – more than just emotionally. 

Families of veterans who are killed in action typically have 2 weeks to move from base. That means in addition to losing their spouse, they also quickly must be separated from their friends who have become family and their support systems.

In addition, most death benefits do not begin for 5 – 6 months so these families must find someplace to transition and wait for funds to help support their new life without their loved one. This is an unimaginable stressful change in a very short amount of time.

What is a House of Healing?

Route for the Brave’s goal is to build a house of healing to support these military families in transition. This would allow them the time to get their bearings, await death benefits and determine their next steps in life.

To support this cause, we will be walking 3,091 miles across America, beginning in Atlantic City on April 28, 2016. We hope you’ll come out in your town to support us and participate in the events and stops long the way.

In addition, there are a variety of ways you can financially support this cause. We encourage you to provide any support you can as a way to give back to our military who give so much for our freedom.